Here at Pure Ingenuity, our engineering staff is constantly expanding. Continuous improvement through off-site training courses has helped broaden our depth of knowledge in the manufacturing field so that we can stay in tune with our customers’ needs and expectations. Nowhere is this more evident than in the field of Pressure Vessel design and manufacture, an extremely complex and diligently regulated industry that requires a comprehensive knowledge of ASME, CSA and TSSA codes and practices. Fortunately, Pure Ingenuity is now entering our tenth year of designing, manufacturing, and repairing TSSA certified CRN registered pressure vessels, fittings and piping. We have TSSA certified welders and registered procedures for pressure welding of stainless steel, mild steel, and our latest upgrade, Hastelloy 256C (UNS-10276).
As Pure Ingenuity’s resident TSSA expert and pressure vessel specialist, I’m available for all facets of consulting and design to facilitate your manufacturing needs, and would be glad to assist you at your convenience.
Steve Dean, MSc P.Eng.
On behalf of The Pure Ingenuity Team
Pressure Tactics
One of the more complex problems facing corporate engineers today is how to go about properly designing a tank/vessel that has to be able to withstand pressure and/or vacuum. The design process is often long and complicated and while software exists to aid engineers in their calculations, the $10,000 plus cost to purchase the software is not a viable alternative for every company. Another hurdle for engineers is obtaining Certification with the governing board of pressure vessels, the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA), which is required in order to design and/or manufacture these devices.
At Pure Ingenuity, we are certified to manufacture pressure and vacuum vessels, fittings, pressure and power piping. We are also able to repair and modify existing pressure vessels to suit our customers’ needs. Many vessels can be purchased on the Internet that are U-stamped and registered with the National Board, but are not registered with the appropriate Canadian association. Our in house expertise with pressure vessels means we can quickly and cost-effectively get your vessel re-registered for safe use north of the border.
Does your company have a problem that’s got you under pressure? Contact Pure Ingenuity for help.
Challenging Environment, Challenging Design
The new Challenging Environment Assessment Laboratory (CEAL), part of the Toronto Rehab Hospital in downtown Toronto, is now open after 4 years of planning and development. CEAL is the only facility of its kind in the world. Combining virtual reality with a state-of-the-art 6-degree-of-freedom motion platform, this massive underground lab features the world’s first hydraulic motion simulator that can mimic everyday environmental challenges faced by older people and those with disabling injury or illness.
Pure Ingenuity was contracted to design an access drawbridge for the lab, capable of bearing triple the normal OSHA recommended loading, with the ability to pivot out of the way of the motion platform`s displacement envelope. A lightweight aluminum design with hydraulic lift was envisioned, and built with a collapsible railing and canopy to maintain safety guidelines. Concept, design, solid modelling, fabrication drawings, manufacture, installation and controls were all part of the scope, which was completed and installed at the underground facility.
During the design phase, other projects came to the fore, including an aluminum staircase with adjustable ramp and force plates to study how falls on stairs happen, and what can be done to prevent them. Pure Ingenuity is proud to have met the engineering challenges presented by CEAL – an incredibly advanced project in the field of rehabilitative medicine, and one which has huge implications on the quality of life for elderly people and patients recovering from disability or illness.